Friday, 11 December 2009

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Saturday, 22 August 2009

aaaw memories

clean feet happy feet :)

monkey see monkey do

last week´s team


big game of Kenya

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

look at my africa!

Sugar cane
poor leopard - had to wait on that tree till sunset!
Sospeter and my sandals :)
safari boots for everyone...
run! faster! to the end of the world and even further!
keeping ourselves clean took up huge amounts of time!
"chai" - tea with milk - and grandpa from neighbourhood
Daniel and his blue "aeroplane"
Mercy and me, my little reminder about God´s presence..." I carried Lord in my arms.."
roasted corn (maize) was supposed to be delicious - I don´t know if it was or not, but kids loved it...

Lucy and me...incredibly cuddly and sweet

my shoes...came to africa, stayed in africa...

Thursday, 13 August 2009

I wil post all the photos individualy with short comments...but right now I really don´t have was so calm in africa, now I´m busy again...

Monday, 22 June 2009

love africa wwb (hand-made bracelet)

useful info for travelers (that was in the box of antimalaria pills)

(almost)all stuff I bought for Africa yesterday :)

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Evan will travel with me...

for those of you, who don´t know Evan, I have only one thing to say...go and read my blog first,then come back and look at the photos - it would make more sense - wouldn´t it?
and if you already know who´s Evan, then you can stay here and be jealous...
(sorry, still no photos from Kenya, as I´m not there yet)

Saturday, 18 April 2009

getting ready...

ok ok, don´t be photos from Kenya yet...just a quick snap of my new hiking boots with a little piece of my pants in the corner ...

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

I´ll update this section when I´ll be there / back home

that means, I´ll probably post some photos in JULY-AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2009
..feel free to check my BLOG/FAQ/HOMEPAGE...or just leave a comment - a simple "HI" will make my day nicer :)

thanks for visiting :)